Hospitalis Sancti Antoni - Oristano
Sabato 28 Agosto - ORE 23:15

Miniere Sonore XIV Edizione 2021


synth pop strumentale

Andrea CherchiSynth / Electronics / Sampler
Giacomo SalisBatteria
Corrado PoddaVisual


WAS è lo pseudonimo di Andrea Cherchi, polistrumentista sardo. 

Il 2021 vede l’uscita di ◯ / △ . Il disco si sviluppa su due parti distinte e complementari, strumentale l’una e vocale l’altra, che a partire da elementi comuni si integrano e completano per comporsi in un unico discorso musicale. Parallelamente al disco è stato preparato un live set strumentale in cui WAS è accompagnato dalle percussioni di Giacomo Salis e i visual di Corrado Podda.


WAS is the pseudonym of Andrea Cherchi, a Sardinian multi-instrumentalist. In 2021 was realeased his latest work ◯ / △. The album is conceived as two distinct and complementary parts, instrumental the first one and vocal the other. Both parts originate from common elements, complementing eachother and creating a single musical discourse. Along with the album release, an instrumental live set was prepared in which WAS is accompanied on percussions by Giacomo Salis together with visuals of Corrado Podda.
